2650 Ridge Ave
Evanston, Illinois 60201

This essential two-part series will help new parents gain confidence by focusing on the physical, emotional and developmental needs of newborns. Adoptive parents are welcome. Cost is the same per individual or couple. Session 1: Baby Care Basics is a must for first-time parents. In this hands-on class, you'll learn the basics of caring for your newborn including bathing, diaper-changing, cord care, circumcision care, temperature-taking and signs of illness. In Session 2: "Understanding Your Newborn," a registered nurse and/or physician will discuss behavior and appearance of the newborn. Topics include: infant development, normal sleep/wake patterns, promoting healthy sleep habits, temperament/normal newborn fussiness and soothing strategies. Typical hospital procedures and how to choose a pediatrician will also be discussed.

Added by Upcoming Robot on January 4, 2010