The A List Series: NPR's Kitchen Sisters: Highlights from 25 Years of Peabody Award-Winning Radio Broadcasts.A Conversation with the Kitchen Sisters -
Interviewed by Jane Ganahl.
The Kitchen Sisters, Davia Nelson and Nikki Silva, are award-winning NPR documentary producers who have been working together for more than twenty-five years. They are the creators of the popular Hidden Kitchens series on Morning Edition, the Peabody Award-winning NPR series, Lost and Found Sound, and the post 9-11 Sonic Memorial Project, co-produced with colleague, Jay Allison. Their most recent series, The Hidden World of Girls, has been airing this spring.
Jane Ganahl has been a journalist, author, editor and arts organizer in San Francisco for more than 25 years. She is the co-founder and co-director of Litquake – the west coast’s largest independent literary festival, the author of “Naked on the Page: the Misadventures of My Unmarried Midlife,” and editor of the anthology, “Single Woman of a Certain Age: 28 Women Writers on the Unmarried Midlife.” Her work can now be found on Huffington Post and; she has also contributed to Harper’s Bazaar, Ladies’ Home Journal, Harp, Parenting, Book,, Vanity and Rolling
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Added by cmargaritafranco on June 15, 2010