Knee High Go-Go Boots, wild coloured polyester, Huge Afros, Roller Girls, Farah Fawcett Posters, Rocky, pet rocks, mood rings, Charlies Angels, and (as always) a little late nite "Shama-Lama-Ding-Dong!".........You name it and we will have it at the American Cancer Society's 7th Annual LYMPHO-MANIAC 70's Party.
70's attire is mandatory and remember: "IF IT DON'T FIT TIGHT, THEN IT DON'T FIT RIGHT!!!!!"
Admission will include 1) select open bar from 7pm - 830pm 2) food from local restaurants 3) great drink specials and 4) music provided by the world famous "DJ Robare."
All door proceeds/donations will be going to the American Cancer Society's Metairie Relay for Life. Last year we raised over $27,000 for the American Cancer Society's Metairie Relay for Life and this year/09 our goal is to raise $30,000 with again all proceeds going to the ACS's Metairie Relay for Life.
We look forward to seeing everyone.
Official Website:
Added by alison.nola on February 3, 2009