950 Mason Street
San Francisco, California

We are pleased to announce that the 5th Annual San Francisco Social will be on December 18th, 2010 at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco to benefit
KIPP Bay Area Schools

Top Shelf Open Bar
DJ Cams
Cocktail Attire
Hor D'oeuvres
Pegasus Fund Silent Auction
Surprise After Party
Special Room Rates

Date: ...........Saturday, December 18th, 2010

Time:.......................................8:30pm - 11pm

Venue: ........................... The Fairmont Hotel

Location: ........................... The Crown Room

Street: ................................950 Mason Street

City: ...................................San Francisco, CA

Official Website: http://www.thesanfranciscosocial.com/

Added by jc_at_work on December 9, 2010

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