The Fourth World Conference on Oncology and Chinese Medicine / CEUs : 10
Time : May 6 (Sunday) 8:30am – 6:30pm
Location : Chinese Culture Center Auditorium (inside of Hilton Hotel), 750 Kearny St., SF, CA 94108
Content :
1. The Role of Chinese Medicine on Fighting Cancer.
2. How Chinese Medicine can help to Fight Cancer.
3.The Application of Chinese Medicine on Fighting Cancer.
4. The Application of Food Therapy on Fighting Cancer and keeping Longevity.
5. Acupuncture, Chiropractor, Qigong and Fighting Cancer.
6. The Understanding and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, Heart and Brain Problem.
7. The Prevention and Treatment of Acne, Chloasma, Skin Aging.
8. How does liver detoxify?
Fee : $60 (before April 20); $80 (after April 20); on site: $100
To register :
Official Website:
Added by Chinese on April 30, 2007