The Rotunda's 3rd Annual Bazaar
Free for all ages
Crafts, Flea Market Treasures, Art, and Community
A fundraiser to help maintain The Rotunda's level of programming
The Rotunda's 3rd Annual Bazaar will aim to raise funds for The Rotunda's community-
based programming, which includes over 200 quality events per year, while giving long
time supporters and friends the chance to help out, get up on stage and reveal their love
for the venue--and maybe buy a handmade hat or a worn umbrella stand! This year's
event is being presented in partnership with The African American Female Entrepreneurs
Alliance (AAFEA;
Due to rising expenses and a larger, more far-reaching performance and education roster
to maintain, The Foundation Community Art Initiative (student/comm. group that runs The
Rotunda) needs financial assistance to keep its level of programming consistent for
the 2006 calendar year.
$20: Space only (vendor supplies own table)
$27: Space +table which Foundation provides
$40: Sponsor (includes space, table, listing on all promotional materials for event, warm
fuzzy feeling that you've helped us)
To vend, please contact Gina Renzi:, 215.573.3234. PAYMENT IS
DUE BY FRIDAY DECEMBER 9, 2005. Please DO NOT send unsolicited vendor payment. You
must contact us to make sure that spaces are not sold out. Then, you may shower us with
ENTERTAINMENT: Girls' DJ ( graduates will spin for the latter half
of the day. Other local and fabulous DJs will spin during the former half. Want to DJ?
1. MCs to get on stage, thank folks for coming, tell them how to donate $ to us, tell them
why The Rotunda rocks, etc. This spiel should run 1-2 minutes at a time. Wanna MC?
2. FLYER/email DISTRIBUTION. E-mail your friends, foes, online journals, etc. We also need
folks to flyer in their neighborhoods as well as at similar events. All promotional materials
can be provided by The Foundation.
3. HELP setting up and breaking down the event (especially since there is a concert
afterward). Set up time is 9am. Break down starts at 6pm.
4. GREETERS to welcome folks, direct them to the restrooms, donation table, etc.
Refresher course on The Foundation
For over 6 years, The Foundation has presented [mostly] free, all-ages events that are
open to the public. These events include concerts showcasing music from the popular to
the obscure, film screenings, dance presentations, theater pieces, festivals, art exhibits,
workshops, lectures, open meetings, and more.
In addition to hosting public events, The Foundation has facilitated youth programs, craft
workshops, DJ classes for women, rehearsals for local groups, planning meetings, etc.
In effect, The Rotunda has become a safe, friendly, bustling gathering place for all types
of art and the people who create it.
Added by ginamr on November 21, 2005