1775 Francisco Blvd
San Rafael, California 94901

An evocative, transfomative one day workshop for women in mid-life who want to intentionally design the next stage of their lives. Join us for a rich, meaningful and personal inner exploration to make plans for and enhance your 3rd Act, in a thought provoking and supportive environment with like-minded women. This practical and experiential workshop offers tools, guidance and encouragement.

Explore the roles and shifts you anticipate and want to plan for;
Create a renewed sense of purpose and direction;
Imagine and design an alternative future.

Workshop facilitators are Bev Scott and Patricia Cavanaugh, who have dedicated their careers to support leaders, teams and individuals to develop their full potential and find meaning in their life and work.

Pre-registration required.

Official Website: http://the3rdact.com/workshops/

Added by FullCalendar on January 24, 2010