Combining a spy thriller with farcical comedy and ingenious theatrical invention, The 39 Steps is an engaging, fast-paced whodunit that celebrates the magic of theater. Closely following the storyline of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 film, the play features more than 150 characters brought to life by a cast of just four actors, including Robert O. Berdahl (Macbeth) as the intrepid hero Richard Hannay; Sarah Agnew (Dollhouse) as all female roles (including a beautiful spy with a deadly secret); and Jim Lichtscheidl (The Two Gentlemen of Verona) and Luverne Seifert (The Government Inspector), two of Minnesota’s greatest comedic actors – all putting their many sidesplitting skills to the test in this wildly entertaining experience.
Official Website:
Added by rosegarden78 on December 8, 2010