Tucson, Arizona

On this Exclusive TeleSeminar with Kala H. Kos, PhD, You'll Discover...

The Simple Secrets of "The Charismatic Woman" that Bypass these Blunders.
-The Dangerous Myth That's Costing You Love and Money.
-The SINGLE Worst Thing You Can Do When Going for Your Ideal Life.
-The BIG ILLUSION that Conceals Who You REALLY ARE and the -True POWER You Really Have
-Why the Majority of Women will Spend their Lives in Anguish & -Frustration Over Unfulfilled Dreams.
-Why Most Women really DON'T Want to Change – Even When They Say They Do.

When you join me LIVE for this dynamic TeleSeminar you'll receive "Dare to Create Money", a 75-min recording with myself and Multi-Millionaire, T. Harv Eker, valued at $49!

Just add your first name and email – then click the "Sign me up" button to instantly receive call-in details for this special FREE call:

Wednesday November 4th, 2009
2pm pacific/ 4pm central/ 5pm eastern
(The session will be recorded)

Kala is the author of The 7 Lost Secrets of Ecstasy and Success. She is also the author of The Power of Aloha, The Hawaiian Guide to Love, Health and Wealth (with John Selby) published in Germany as Die Huna-Lehre. She has been a freelance writer for over twenty years, having done her undergraduate studies in English literature at the University of Saskatchewan and University of Toronto. Kala received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychology from Honolulu University.

Official Website:

Added by Premiere Virtual Office on November 2, 2009