Szent Gellért tér 1.
Budapest, Budapest 1111

Dear Sir, dear madam, dear colleague,

” Villa Medica ”- clinic of integral medicine Dr. med Burkhard Aschhoff and “EuroPart” EWIV, organiser of these congresses have the pleasure to invite you to the trendsetting project, “The 2nd European Congress of Integral Prevention” 25th to 27th of September in Budapest/Hungary in the Danubius Hotel Gellért.

The goal of these extraordinary series of congresses is to work out all the newest findings in the field of integral prevention during two days with doctors, scientists and health professionals.

The 3rd day of congress will be open to the public to communicate all conclusions in a practice oriented way to all interested persons in the European Countries, where they take place.

Our common approach will foster the development of the awareness for integral prevention and health of the European citizens.

The 1st European Congress for integral prevention successfully took place in Porto/Portugal in the Ordem dos Medicos (chamber of medecines). Tree days were filled up with effective and attractive speeches. The cultural and culinary events met the demands and expectations of our guests as well. So we satisfied the way of new life of health and sustainability too. – LOHAS-Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability – wins friends all over the world, so in Europe.

This series of congresses will take place about every six months in several European cities with European colleagues and local participantsSo in Budapest /Ungarn from 25th. – 27th of September 2009, later in Helsinki at the end of march 2010 and so on, completely in reflect of European Union and European public health.

We hope to inspire you for the next congress to join us. So we set out for many rethinking people to better quality of life the next steps.

Ennek a rendkívüli kongresszussorozatnak a célja, hogy a 2 napig tartó orvosi, tudományos és egészségügyi kongresszus keretein belül összegezzük a tudományágak legújabb ismereteit az integrált egészségügyi prevenció területén. Ezt követően a 3. napon, amely nyilvános, a kongresszus során levont következtetéseket gyakorlatorientáltan közvetítjük az adott európai országok érdeklődőinek. A közös kezdeményezés elősegíti az integrált prevenciós szemlélet európai tudatosítását az egészségügy területén. A kongresszusok félévenként kerülnek megrendezésre Európa különböző városaiban, európai kollégákkal és helyi résztvevőkkel.

Conference information provided by

Official Website:

Added by on June 26, 2009