90 Williams Street
Sydney, New South Wales 2011

Asset Information Management is increasingly becoming more technologically sophisticated, generating a period of transformation. Broader changes to our world have created additional changes where issues such as carbon-pricing and a changing environment need to be taken into account when developing strategies for the management of assets and asset data.

These changes are creating a whole new set of expectations for professionals working in asset management in regards to their skills, where the bar has been raised and professionals have to acquire more knowledge to be able to deal with the changing technology and environment.

This forum will discuss such contemporary issues and others, and draw on a wealth of experience from asset management professionals and subject experts. Practical ‘how to’ tools and strategies to achieve success will be shared in this exciting event and outlines on how organisations are responding to change will be showcased.

For more information on the conference contact Liquid Learning directly by email at marketing@liquidlearning.com.au , or by phone on (02) 9437 1311.

Added by Liquid Learning on April 19, 2011

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