Brought to you by the bizarre amalgam that is The Dalton Gang—seven flagrant Austin authors! The Second Annual Dalton Gang Readings features the dangerous poetics and fine-tuned intellect of W. Joe Hoppe (Galvanized); the poignant and riotous wit of Owen Egerton (How Best to Avoid Dying); the improvisational genius of Les McGehee (Plays Well With Others); and Joe O’Connell’s resilient wisdom of happenstance and finality (Evacuation Plan). As if that weren’t enough—readings ensue from authors of upcoming titles—the fantastical realities of Robert Stikmanz (Entranscing); the through-it-all brilliance of Ric Williams (Woman in the Tower); and the esteemed histories of Gary Kent (Shadows & Light / Journeys with Outlaws in Revolutionary Hollywood). FREE
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Added by Dalton Publishing on June 17, 2008