The time has come once again. I'm proud to bring you the 2007 Avalonstar Bowling Extravaganza, the sequel to the kick-ass event of last year's SXSW. Bigger place, bigger tournament and a lot more in store.
I'm also looking for more teams to try and unseat the last year's winners, Team Refresh, 31 to be exact (let's see if we can get that far). Don't hesitate to grab 5 of your friends (and 2 alternates) to compete for the new Phoenix Cup. ;) Even if you don't want to be on a team, don't let that stop you from having a good time, because I'm renting out the whole place.
Official Website:
Added by revyver on November 2, 2006
Oh, I'm bringin' it man... I'm bringin' it right to the lanes, bro.
We really should get a trophy to pass around a la the Stanley Cup
Of course Anton doesn't say what he's going to do with it at the lanes... can't wait to embarrass myself.
Jason: If all goes well, the winner will have their "cup" to brag with. ;)
I think I'll wear my 1st Place ribbon from last year, since the champs weren't blessed with a "cup" in the 1st Annual event.
How do I go about getting on a team? I got a wicked curve despite the fact that I haven't bowled in years. :)
Well, got to have people throwing teams at me first, then we'll have it so those team leaders can draft their players.
Does anyone need a ringer? I'm from Milwaukee, I've been bowling since I was 10, and I drink beer. Pretty typical of my city, LOL, but I would like to be on a team with some fun people. I guess milwaukee is home of the United States Bowling Congress.
Any brits want to make up a team?
w00t go team canada!
I've been honing my skills with Wii Bowling, but don't know anyone else going. Any Minnesotans (or anyone) want to form a team?
nGen Works. Ready to roll.
You know, more people need to move from the "watching" column to the "attending" column. :P
For people using Upcoming to view this event, please note the new date and time. I'll be sending out an email talking about the change.
Anyone still needing a pretty decent bowler on a team? I'm looking to play with some fun people, but I am currently teamless.
I'd like to get on a team if possible. From Detroit... Cold outside - hot bowling inside!
If anyone needs an extra body on a team, give me a message! Love bowling :)
Bowling is fun. Bowling is serious.
So, who won? We got eliminated in the first round :-(
I'll be posting more information about this in the coming week or so. It's been pretty busy since I've gotten back. :X
Team Refresh will be there, with last year's trophy (metaphorically speaking of course). Anyone who wants to try and take it away better bring it.