3100 Oak Rd, Ste 130
Walnut Creek, California 94597

The CambiatiCleanse is designed to work with you to understand your personal goals and needs and practice a healthier lifestyle. It is not a weight loss program, though most participants do lose weight. It is not a fast, though it teaches you to be conscious of when and how often you eat. And most of all, it is not a rigid program that you must follow for life. Rather, it is designed to help you blueprint your own metabolism—to unlock the secrets to your own health and vitality and to naturally attain and maintain your ideal body composition. The program does so by identifying and correcting metabolic imbalances, including food sensitivities and yeast and bacteria overgrowth, that could be contributing to a lack of energy, an inability to lose weight, and, for athletes, a missing competitive edge.

What to expect:

During the classes, you’ll receive the guidelines, menus, shopping lists, and incentives to make the program work for you. Our positive energy approach and community building become the basis for your success. At the end of four weeks, you will be in community, practicing with new tools to construct a healthier lifestyle, eating nutritionally balanced meals, and feeling satisfied physically, mentally, and emotionally. The changes are transformative.

The program consists of an overview, in which we introduce the program; three additional educational sessions; and a Q&A session on the virtual program and an additional weigh-in at our Center in Walnut Creek for the in-house program. We outline the science behind hormonally balanced eating, using meal replacements, nutritional supplements, and detox and cleanse components to simplify the transition phase. During the education sessions, we also help participants understand and respond to the changes in their bodies. We have found that the group setting (whether virtual or in-house in Walnut Creek) vastly improves your chances of getting the results you want.

Added by CambiatiWellness on July 7, 2011

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