Nancy Goodman, author of "It Was Food vs. Me...and I Won" (Viking/Penguin), is offering a nine-session seminar titled, "The 21-day Emotional Eating Detox Plan for Weight Loss," from 10 - 11 a.m. or 1 - 2 p.m. from Oct. 19 to Nov. 6, 2009, at Lakeshore Theatre, 3175 N. Broadway St., Chicago. Participants will meet three times a week for three weeks.
For working people, Goodman is offering the same seminar on nine consecutive Saturdays from 9:30-10:30 a.m. Oct. 17 - Dec. 12. The first session on Saturday, Oct. 17 will run two hours from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. All other sessions are one hour.
Goodman so strongly believes in her message that the first 50 enrollees can attend all nine sessions for free. After that, the fee is $90 for the three weeks.
Session topics include:
Monday, Oct. 19 - “Day One for Weight Loss: “The Food, the Feelings, the Beep”
Wednesday, Oct. 21 - “Writing the Diet of your Cravings”
Friday, Oct. 23 - “Emotional Bingeing; Calorie Free!”
Monday, Oct. 26 - “Kids and Food, Friends and Food, Spouses and Food, Being Alone and Food”
Wednesday, Oct. 28 - “Swallow Food, Not Your Words”
Friday, Oct. 30 - “Uh-oh: From Halloween to New Year’s Eve”
Monday, Nov. 2 - “Holidays: Emotional Recipes for Dealing with Food, Family, and Feelings”
Wednesday, Nov. 4 - “Connecting, Grieving, Laughing, and Leaving: How to Maintain our Detox”
Friday, Nov. 6 - “Graduation! How Many Pounds of Feelings Did You Shed?”
To register or for more information, go to or call 847-702-5500.
Official Website:
Added by tbonerich on September 3, 2009