Social Media has come a long way since the early days of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. With 574 million people on Facebook, 106 million Twitter accounts, and over 2 billion YouTube videos -- how do you leverage this power with your alliance partners to stay ahead of your competition? Use the power to create a bold social media AGENDA for your alliance partners.
Join us for a Webinar with Sandy Carter, Vice President, IBM Social Business and Collaboration Solutions Sales and Evangelism, previously Vice President, IBM Software Business Partners and Midmarket. Using many case study examples, Ms. Carter will show how to build a Social Media AGENDA that aligns organizational goals while driving experiences and engagements through your business processes. She will demonstrate how to use crowd sourcing, communities, disaster recovery and analytics to leverage Social Business for greater results with partners in 2011.
Sandy Carter, IBM, Vice President, Software Business Partners and Midmarket and Social Media Evangelist
About the Instructor
Sandy Carter, IBM, Vice President, Software Business Partners and Midmarket and Social Media Evangelist
Sandy Carter is Vice President, Social Business and Collaboration Solutions Sales and Evangelism, where she is responsible for setting the direction for IBM's Social Business initiative, working with companies who are becoming Social Businesses, and being the evangelist for the concept and best practices around Social Business.
Register for a Chance to Win our Virtual Door Prize
Five of our registrants to The 2011 Social Business AGENDA webinar will be randomly selected to receive Sandy Carter's last book "The New Language of Marketing 2.0: How to Use ANGELS to Energize Your Market." All you need to do is register, and we'll mail the lucky recipients a copy of the book.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 6, 2011