The Art & Soul of Learning 2009 Benefit
Onward & Upward!
Honoring John E. Meeks, M.D.April 2, 2009 6:30 to 9:30 p.m.Manor Country Club Rockville, MDOne-of-a-Kind Art Items Live Entertainment Awards Ceremony Auction Food Friends Fun
Special thanks to our Sponsors!
Impressionist Sponsors: Booz Allen Hamilton; Gingles, LLC; KONTERRA Expressionist Sponsors: Bob and Andy Adler; CareFirst BlueCross BlueShield; Comcast; coProductions LLC; Ober, Kaler, Grimes Chris Romano and The Meltzer GroupCanvas Sponsors: Avis and Gregory Dyson; Employee Benefits Corporation of America; Fidelity Real Estate Corporation; Hargrove, Inc.; Innovative Business Interiors, Inc.; Payroll Network; The Han Group at UBS Financial Services; Steve and Barbara Wege
Learn how you can support our schools and students by becoming an event sponsor, placing an ad in our event booklet, purchasing tickets, or donating an item or service for the auction. Click here for more info.
Organized by The Foundation Schools
Ticket Info: General Attendance, $102.50
Official Website: http://foundationschoolsbenefit09-upcoming.eventbrite.com