"The 2009 Citywide Candlelight Affair" has far exceeded any of our expectations. ONLY 50 TICKET WILL BE SOLD AT THE DOOR FOR $45.00. COME EARLY TO MAKE PURCHASE, TICKETS WON'T LAST!!! Only 20 tickets are on sale at Great Scott Records until 20 Feb 09, located at 2051 East, 95th St. Chicago, IL. 60617. The cost is only 40 dollars which includes: A Delicious Buffet Dinner, Fashion Show with Twenty Five (25) Beautiful Models from Atlanta, Three of Chicago's own Gospel Singing Sensations, Dancing with DJ Doc and a Open Bar. Hurry to Great Scott Records, tickets won't last or www.citywide2009.eventbrite.com or call TR. Scott at 773-620-4252.
Tearched H. Scott III, CEO (trscott003@yahoo.com)
Optimum Enterprises/Bowenite Allumi
Official Website: http://citywide2009.eventbrite.com
Added by trscott003 on January 8, 2009