The Parish of St. Sarah the Egyptian and the Apostolic Johannite Church is proud to present the biggest event in Gnosticism of the last 100 years!
Each year the clergy, seminarians, friends and family of the Apostolic Johannite Church gather together to socialize, learn and build community. This, our tenth Conclave, promises to be the biggest and most exciting yet.
This Conclave will have lectures and panel discussions on a variety of interesting topics by a variety of interesting people. Social events to promote fellowship and community are a hallmark of our Conclaves. As always a majority of the events at our Conclave will be open to the public. Registration begins January 1st, 2009.
April DeConick, scholar and author on early Christianity and Gnosticism
A panel discussion on the state of modern Christian traditions
Liturgy in the Johannite style, including priestly ordinations
Opportunities to learn and grow spiritually
Fellowship and fun!
Organized by The Apostolic Johannite ChurchGnosticism is the specific pre-Christian syncretic movement of the later Hellenic world, fusing Judaism, Greek philosophy, and Alexandrian Hermeticism. This Conclave is hosted by theApostolic Johannite Church, a Gnostic organization that follows this tradition.
Ticket Info: - Full Conference Registration - Early Bird, $809.95
- Full Conference Registration, $859.95
- One-day conference ticket - Monday, May 25th, $153.75
- One-day conference ticket - Tuesday, May 26th, $153.75
- One-day conference ticket - Wednesday, May 27th, $153.75
- One-day conference ticket - Thursday, May 28th, $153.75
- One-day conference ticket - Friday, May 29th, $153.75
- One-day conference ticket - Saturday, May 30th, $153.75
- Wednesday lecture - TBD, $15.99
- Thursday lecture - Msgr. Jordan Stratford, $20.99
- Friday lecture and panel discussion - Dr. April DeConick and others, $25.99
Official Website: http://2009ajcconclave-upcoming.eventbrite.com