The 2009 28th Almost-Annual
Matt Armbruster Memorial
Ride on man!
Oh Captain, my Captain!
News: This year's Big Wheel Rally will be a benefit for the Saint Joseph Hospital Foundation, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit! What does that mean? We're raising money for preemies and infants that need some extra help.
Register Now!
Every single extra dollar we raise through registration, wristband, and t-shirt sales goes straight to St. Joe's NICU, and will help to fund their annual Reunion Picnic for all the kids and families they've helped. And your contribution is Tax Deductible! Click here to find out more.
And checkout all the donated raffle items that we're going to give away! Over $800 worth of items, all to benefit St. Joe's!
When: Saturday July 11th, 2009!
Where: 5:00 pm, Saturday Night, at the Walrus, conveniently located at 11th & Walnut, Boulder, Colorado. Directions. Here's the whole itinerary.
What: Join us for a full throttle night of ramps & stairs, plastic & power slides, impacts & drags while bar-hopping on our Big Wheels!
Who: Everyone's invited to my little soiree! But you'll need to Register to get all the cool stuff along the route.
Register Now!
If you need to get hold of me,
give a yell at 1-888-252-6379 voice & fax, toll-free!
or drop me a line at .
Purple People Eater
How: Need to get a Big Wheel for the Rally? Here's some resources:
* Big Wheel Rally Store! Click Here
* Toys R Us (Westminster, Aurora, Englewood, Fort Collins)
* Target (store locator)
* Sears (store locator)
* Sports Authority (store locator)
But they are plastic, so another $10-15 of parts from the hardware store will get (and keep) you rolling. We're pretty hard on our machines, so please, PLEASE modify them to hold up. Find out how.
We will have a Construction and Tune Up Party before the Rally on Saturday, TBD at the BWR Headquarters. We've got all the tools and cheap spare parts. We even have a few complete Big Wheels ready to go!
Why: Come on. Have you ever careened half blind, screaming down cobblestone streets, deafened by the thunderous roar of plastic on cement, with five pounds of flexing child's toy between your thighs?
Official Website:
Added by shadz.rm on July 10, 2009