The field of safety critical systems is becoming of increasing importance and includes all those processes, products and services where a breakdown or design fault might lead to death or injury to people, loss or damage to property, or damage to the environment.
The course will provide participants with a firm grounding in the theory and practice of modern techniques for defining and managing the risk potential of electron and computer-based systems. In the future it is likely to become increasingly difficult for a company that has not employed such techniques to argue that it has exercised proper legal care for the safety of its products and services.
The structure of the lectures will be based on the “safety lifecycle” from the international standard IEC 6150. An understanding of the standard will provide participants with a sound basis for dealing with the requirements of their industry sector.
Lectures will be given by speakers from industry, academia and a safety regulatory body, several of whom are intimately involved with the ongoing development of IEC 61508, and all have specific expertise and relevant experience.
The course will benefit engineers who:
•are approaching safety-related systems for the first time
•will be taking project management responsibility and wish to ensure they are aware of recent developments in this field
•may have an understanding in specific areas of safety-related system technology but who wish to widen their knowledge base
For further information and to book your place, please visit the web site
Official Website:
Added by ewoodman on August 3, 2007