Organized by MTA SZTAKI, the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
The AFL series was initiated by Prof. István Peák (1936-1989). He organized the AFL conferences in 1980, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1988 and started the organization of AFL’90. These conferences were all held in the hills around Salgótarján. In 1986 and 1988, the title of the conference was Automata, Languages and Programming Systems.
Since the untimely death of Prof. István Peák in 1990, the AFL conferences have been organized in every third year. In 1993 and 1996, two more “Salgótarján conferences” took place. Nowadays a Steering Committe takes care of the continuation of the AFL series. The last three conferences of the series were held in Vasszécsény (1999), Debrecen (2002), and Dobogókő (2005).
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to)
Conference information provided by
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Added by on February 12, 2008