65 W. 11th St., 5th fl.
New York, New York 10001

The 11th Annual Oscar Sternbach Awards and Lecture: Judith Butler on Ideologies of the Superego

Friday, February 17, 2012 8:00 p.m.

One of the leading feminist theorists, scholar Judith Butler will receive the 11th Annual Oscar Sternbach award, given by the National Psychological Association for Psychoanalysis for the important contributions to the field of psychoanalysis. She will also deliver a lecture entitled Ideologies of the Superego. Other recipients include Roy Schafer, Martin Bergmann, Mark Solms, Jaak Panksepp, Leo Rangell, Beatrice Beebe, and Otto F. Kernberg.

Formerly a professor in the Rhetoric and Comparative Literature departments at the University of California, Berkeley, Butler received her PhD in philosophy from Yale University. She is currently a visiting professor in the English and Comparative Literature departments at Columbia University.

Co-sponsored by the School of Media Studies and the School of Undergraduate Studies at The New School for Public Engagement and the Department of Comparative Literature at New York University.

Wollman Hall, Eugene Lang Building, 65 West 11th Street, 5th floor (enter at 66 West 12th Street)

Free; no tickets or reservations required; seating is first-come first-served

Official Website: http://www.newschool.edu/NSSR/eventsList.aspx?id=77221&DeptFilter=NSSR+Philosophy

Added by NYC-Phil on January 24, 2012