The Colorado Gold Rush is a national transgendered conference hosted by
The Gender Identity Center of Colorado
Our 2009 conference is being held at the
Please Click above to enter your hotel registration
March 26Th, Thru the 29ThOver 40 Workshops Thursday thru Saturday
Cancellation Policy:Prior to February 28th we will issue 75% refund of your purchased ticket.After March 1st No refunds can be issued due to the commitments and guarantee that we will have made to the hotel.
Organized by The Gender Identity Center of Colorado, Inc.The Gender Identity Center of Colorado, Inc., (GIC) is a non-profit corporation organized in 1978 and incorporated in June 1980. The organization was formed to provide support to transsexuals, or those people who cross dress, or are non-traditional in their gender identity. The Center is also an informational and educational resource to the community at large. >
The GIC is available to anyone, male or female, who can benefit from its services or resources, including spouses and significant others, parents, and siblings.>
The GIC is a tax exempt, 501(3)c nonprofit corporation which provides these public services to the community, but receives none of its support from tax dollars. It is funded by collection of door fees for meetings, tuition for seminars and workshops, membership dues and donations. Receipts can be given for any donation of money or materials.
Ticket Info: - Full Conference - - - Early Bird - - - Special 2nd Round, $350.00
- Friday, Saturday & Sunday Package, $310.00
- Friday & Saturday Package, $270.00
- Thursday Award Banquet, $50.00
- Thursday Day Workshops & Award Banquet, $63.00
- Friday Only, $130.00
- Saturday Only, $140.00
- Friday Lunch, $35.00
- Friday Banquet, $50.00
- Saturday Lunch, $35.00
- Saturday Banquet, $50.00
- New or Renew Center Membership, $50.00
- Donation to the CGR Scholarship Fund, Free
- Donation to the Colorado Gold Rush, Free
- Friday & Saturday Workshops Only, $80.00
- Friday Workshops Only, $40.00
- Saturday Workshops Only, $41.00
- Youth Under Age of 18, Accompanied by Parent , Legal Guardian, Adult CareGiver, Free
Official Website: http://cgr2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com