4-18 Harrington Gardens
London, England SW7 4LH

Taking place in London from the 22-24 April 2013, the Acquisition and Divestiture Summit offers the perfect platform to meet with leading A and D professionals from the UK, Norway and Continental Europe.

With high level speakers from the most active companies in the market, it gives you an opportunity to gain a thorough understanding of the changing A&D landscape. Case study examples of pioneering strategies coupled with exceptional partnerships will give you the tools you need to drive growth and value through your transactions for 2012 and beyond.

Join us in London to:
• Examine business models that can help your company raise finance and encourage cash flow
• Hear how industry leaders have optimised asset portfolios: Recent case studies illustrating how companies have successfully aligned their assets
• Learn how to increase regional presence through carefully executed acquisition and divestiture strategy
• Manage risk and liabilities: Learn what key considerations should be on your radar when investing
• Find out how to drive down costs that hinder transactions and gain practical tools to manage decommissioning liabilities
• Hear how policy is encouraging investment in the UK North Sea

Recent developments in regards to these issues will be approached by leading experts in the field, including:
• Mr Fergus Ewing, Minister for Energy,Enterprise & Tourism,The Scottish Parliament
• Ben Arabo, CEO, Atlantic Petroleum
• Roelof Platencamp, Founder and Chairman, Tulip Petroleum
• Tom Cairns,Director - Oil and Gas, Barclays Natural Resource Investments
• Marc de Saint Gerand, Director - Oil & Gas Project Finance, Standard Chartered Bank, London
• Shian Jones-Mortensen,Head of E&P Business Development Business, DONG Energy

For a closer look at the agenda and speaker list go to www.acquisitiondivestituresummit.com/EL
Or why not get in touch directly on enquire@iqpc.co.uk or +44(0)207 368 9300.

Added by evvntBUZZ on March 8, 2013

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