502 South Main Street
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania 19460

St. Ann Parish Phoenixville

HOLIDAY HOPE - The words of the song are so true: "O, there's no place like home for the holidays." There are those in our midst who are away from home and without family this holiday season. Memory is about more than the past. When we proclaim within Mass "Christ will come again" we are remembering the future. We invite our parishioners and neighbors who are without or away from family at this time, to join us for a meal on Thanksgiving Day. The Church Hall will be open 5:00 PM; dinner at 6:00 PM.

THANKSGIVING DAY - We hope you can join us for Mass in Chapel at 9:00 AM on Thanksgiving Day. Please bring a donation of non-perishable food to this Mass and know that all money received in the collection that day will be given to St. Mary's Franciscan Shelter.

RSVP 610-933-3732 by November 22

502 South Main Street
Phone 610-933-3732
Email stannphx@comcast.net
Fax 610-935-7958

Added by Phoenixville Fun on November 17, 2010

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