Sydney’s favourite live radio comedy, Thank God It’s Friday On Saturday, returns to Riverside Theatres on Saturday August 7 for an event full of laughter, wit and plain good fun. History gets hysterical as 702 ABC Sydney’s Richard Glover and his corps of comedians Jean Kittson, Anthony Ackroyd, Wendy Harmer and Tommy Dean answer curly questions such as Should rum still be our currency? and Is Australian life just another rum do?
As part of the ParraMac celebrations, this year’s show delves into rum, flushing toilets and the visionary, Governor Macquarie and is a show that is bound to feed your hunger for Australian history and titillate your taste for contemporary debate.
Richard Glover is currently the presenter for 702 ABC Sydney’s Drive program. He has worked variously as an actor, newspaper journalist, waiter, lift driver and scriptwriter and his weekly column has appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald since the mid-\'80s.
Concession $32
Adult $36
Tickets available from Riverside Box Office
Added by internmgm on June 29, 2010