One Cannery Row
Nashville, Tennessee 37203

The Shack*Shakers play fried country rock and roll my friends, and they take the stage with an energy and passion that runs circles around all but the most earnest of hardcore bands. They dip into the darker reaches of American music only to further sully songs of murder and mayhem with a brush dipped in poison...or blood.

Biram ain't no dour ass singer/songwriter either, sweetly strumming songs about girls with big eyes and dusty highways. HELL NO!!! His singing, yodeling, growling, leering and brash preachin' and hollerin' is accompanied by sloppy riffs and licks from his 1959 Gibson guitar and pounding backbeat brought forth by his amplified left foot. The remainder of this one-man band consists of an unwieldy combination of beat-up amplifiers and old microphones strung together by a tangled mess of guitar cables.

Shack Shaker tour dates, bios, and MP3's:

Biram tour dates, bios, and MP3's:

Added by Bloodshot Records on January 19, 2006

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