For the past year, the public has been bombarded with stories about Internet use, cell phones, Twitter, Facebook, Wii, and the like. But no one has thoroughly explored how the modern electronic age has impacted our personal and business lives -- until now.
Board-certified psychiatrist, Dr. Peter Crist, who is also a business consultant as well as president of the American College of Orgonomy (ACO), will address this critical topic as part of the ACO’s ongoing series of Social Orgonomy talks on Saturday, October 3rd. His compelling presentation, “Text, Phone, or Talk? Communication Confusion in Our Electronic Age,” will explore the functional and optimal use of written, phone and face-to-face communication, and how each relates to basic human communication and genuine interpersonal contact.
Dr. Crist will illustrate how from the dawn of Man to the 21st century, communication has evolved in remarkable leaps. Using examples from print and broadcast media as well as his clinical and business consulting practices, he will address the question: Is modern man trading intimacy and genuine contact for the immediacy of instant communication?
These and other topics will be explored in his presentation at the Paul Robeson Center for the Arts, 102 Witherspoon Street, Princeton NJ from 3:00PM to 5:00PM.
Walk-ins will be accepted if space permits but reservations are recommended. Refreshments will be served.
Admission is $45 ($10 for students under age 25 with I.D.). Call (732) 821-1144 or make your reservation online.
Added by debbiesans on September 21, 2009