1305 E Houston St
San Antonio, Texas 78205

Texas Public Radio is hosting Views and Brews: Placemaking, a casual community forum that combines cold beer, delicious appetizers and frothy discussion where citizens can exchange ideas on how to transform a city’s public spaces to revitalize their neighborhoods.

At Views & Brews: Placemaking, Phil Myrick of the Project for Public Spaces (www.pps.org) will lead a discussion on the community revitalization concept. He will detail how the city of San Antonio is collecting ideas to adopt the practice downtown to help make the city’s center more vibrant and livable. Views & Brews attendees will then work with community facilitators to identify locations downtown where placemaking can be implemented and share ideas on what can be done to transform these spaces into vibrant community centers.

Examples of successful placemaking projects from around the nation are available at Project for Public Spaces website, www.pps.org. There visitors can use an interactive map to suggest placemaking projects for downtown San Antonio. This Ciy of San Antonio will use interactive map submissions and input shared at Views and Brews to identify placemaking projects to support and fund.

Views & Brews: Placemaking is open to the public for a suggested donation of $10 for Texas Public Radio members and $12 for non-members. Attendees can take part in the conversation while enjoying two bottles of Alamo Golden Ale courtesy of Alamo Beer Company with tasty appetizers from Beto's Comida Latina.

Official Website: http://www.tpr.org/articles/2011/08/placemaking.html

Added by Texas Public Radio on August 2, 2011

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