241 South Main Street
North Canton, Ohio 44720

The musical passion play “Tetélestai” will be performed at St. Paul Catholic Church at 241 South Main Street North Canton, OH 44720 on February 15 and 16 (8:00pm) and February 17 (2:00pm). Tetélestai’s dramatic stage production and timeless music tell the story of Jesus’ trial, execution and resurrection in a visual way that will leave a lasting impression. Utilizing costumes, staging and full theatrical sound & lighting, the interdenominational cast & crew of over 100 volunteers really bring this story to life. Attending a performance is a great way to prepare for the holy days of the Easter season.

There are no tickets and seating is first-come, first-serve. There is no charge, but free-will offerings will be accepted. For more information, please visit LiveThePassion.org

Official Website: http://www.LiveThePassion.org

Added by Tetelestai on January 26, 2013

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