300 Union Street
Bedford, Ohio 44146

The musical passion play “Tetélestai” will be performed at St. Mary Church at 300 Union Street, Bedford, OH 44146 on February 8 and 9 (8:00pm) and February 10 (2:00pm). Tetélestai’s dramatic stage production and timeless music tell the story of Jesus’ trial, execution and resurrection in a visual way that will leave a lasting impression. Utilizing costumes, staging and full theatrical sound & lighting, the interdenominational cast & crew of over 100 volunteers really bring this story to life. Attending a performance is a great way to prepare for the holy days of the Easter season.

There are no tickets and seating is first-come, first-serve. There is no charge, but free-will offerings will be accepted. For more information, please visit LiveThePassion.org

Official Website: http://www.LiveThePassion.org

Added by Tetelestai on January 26, 2013

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