In December 2004, independent travelers Teresa O’Kane and Scott Soper rented their Bay Area house, and set out with full backpacks to travel overland from Casablanca, Morocco to Cape Town, South Africa. Tonight, Teresa and Scott will share slides and stories of their 10-month adventure, traveling by truck, train, bush taxi, dugout canoe and bicycle rickshaw, through off-the-beaten-path West Africa, Ethiopia and Madagascar. Come experience the wonders of this vast continent, as you trek the Dogon Escarpment in Mali, explore the ancient cities of Axum and Lailabela in northern Ethiopia, travel by pirogue down Madagascar’s Tsiribihina River, and camp on tree platforms to watch wildlife in Zambia’s Luangwa National Park.
Additional dates/venues:
7 pm, Tuesday, August 29 at REI Saratoga
7 pm, Tuesday, September 5 at REI Berkeley
7 pm, Wednesday, September 6 at REI San Francisco
Official Website:
Added by bheliker on August 30, 2006