This August, Crisis Hopkins hosts a special event that occurs but once a generation:
The Temporary Improv Festival, a comedy showcase that appears and vanishes as quickly as the fog over Twin Peaks or something.
For two days, Crisis Hopkins and friends will take over San Francisco's famous Eureka Theater with six special performances by some of the Bay Area's most beloved and cutting edge comedy troupes. Don't miss this special weekend.
The Temporary Improv Festival - a performance showcase that occurs but once a generation. Unless we decide to do it again next year...!
Temporary Improv Festival -
Crisis Hopkins with Revolving Madness & PianoFight (Friday August 14th)
and Big City Improv, SPF7 & Crisis Hopkins (Saturday August 15th)
Workshop with Dan Klein of Kasper Hauser (1pm Saturday August 15th)
Tickets: $10 at the door. Admission is the same for the whole evening or just one show.
Purchase in advance available for Goldstar members.
Workshop tickets are payable through Brownpapertickets. Workshops are limited to 25 participants.
Official Website:
Added by LekkerMedia on August 7, 2009