28582 Harveston Dr.
Temecula, California 92591

Don’t be afraid, we are not a Boot Camp; we do not chant, yell and sing old marine hymns. We are just dedicated to helping people get into the best shape they can. When you finish our class you can be extremely confident that you put in a solid hour of training. Many people who take our class thought they were in shape and fit!! Then they realized that they were leaving a lot on the table. Come step out of your comfort zone and see what you are made of. You will see yourself get very fit really fast!! Guaranteed!!

Every class is different so you will never get bored with doing the same old routine. We mix together so many different types of training that your body never knows what to expect from day to day. Any of our participants would tell you that the high energy and the constant change of workouts is what keeps them coming back for more. They also have all become great friends and enjoy working out and sweating together!

Ages: Teen to Adult For more information on our Outdoor Fitness Camps please visit www.fitlife1.com. We Train at may different locations throughout Temecula and Murrieta. Call or email me and You Will Be sent via email a Master Calendar.

Gordon Kent 951-440-5893 or email gkent@fitlife1.com

First Class is Free!

Official Website: http://www.fitlife1.com

Added by kkentfitlife1 on July 2, 2009