315 Pillsbury Drive SE
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

Lynn Lukkas, Associate Professor of Art at the University of Minnesota, will show excerpts of her video conversations with participants in the Telling Time project in which artists, musicians, humanists, social scientists, and natural scientists work in collaboration to create an interactive art project that will explore the translation of units of elapsing time produced by participant/performers into visual and/or audio forms. She will also talk about her plans for the second stage of the ongoing project, an interactive film/theater piece informed by the documentary interviews.

The collaborators on the interactive film/theater piece include Paulo Chagas, composer and Assistant Professor of Music Composition at the University of California - Riverside and Marija Stamenkovic, a dancer and actor from Barcelona. Further presentations will follow in February and May.

Official Website: http://ias.umn.edu/SymposiumAwards/TellingTime.php

Added by UMN Institute for Advanced Study on November 5, 2007

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