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San Jose, California 95134

The Obama Team indicated improved broadband access and Net Neutrality as priorities on the campaign trail. Since taking office, the new Administration has set aside roughly $6 billion in funds for broadband in the stimulus package now in Congress. Wireline, unlicensed wireless broadband (WISPs), and high speed cellular data service are all eligible.

Our distinguished panel will discuss those issues and more:
What opportunities can startup and Silicon Valley companies expect?

What opportunities can companies in the infrastructure layers and application layers expect?

Will the stimulus funds yield long-term benefits, or just a spike in employment.

Will they dig a hole, and fill it back up, OR will they build a bridge that pays dividends for years?

Will the funding increase rural penetration, or bridge the digital divide?

Will the funds truly stimulate innovation and additional competition, or could it be just an additional revenue source for the incumbents? Can new entrants have as big an impact as the incumbents?

Will broadband access in the US, still lagging in both consumer penetration and network throughput terms, finally catch up with broadband deployments overseas?

What about wireless white spaces? More unlicensed spectrum.

Why do we need a Digital TV transition delay?

What to expect in a changed FCC.

Our Executive members and their executive-level guests can expect quite a lively discussion, as this issue is a political powder keg, with important ramifications for companies, and the country. This Meeting is free for Telecom Council Members, and $200 for Non-Members. If you are not a member of the Telecom Council Executive Forum, please email an invitation request to adam@telecomcouncil.com. In your request, please include your name, company and title.

Free for Telecom Council members, $200 for non-members.

Official Website: http://guest.cvent.com/EVENTS/Info/Summary.aspx?e=1d1513d7-1d5d-482a-a058-5e96d7b07185

Added by FullCalendar on February 11, 2009

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