People of all ages and experiences are invited to create a machine or "Link". Each team of 4-6 will build a contraption that will fit on a 6' table and has the energy input and output that can raise a golf ball 1-inch. It can do anything in between. Each machine is activated with the pull of a string attached to its workings. For example, the string pulls a lever which releases a marble down a track and into series of dominos and so on. Each link will be judged individually on its artistic, engineering and public appeal and awards will be presented.
To register click on the link below.
Everyone is invited to come to the downtown library on May 31st to see all the machines linked together for the first Community Chain Reaction Challenge.
You can get more details at the web site by clicking on the Chain Reaction link or plan to attend an informational workshop at the library on April 27th from 2pm - 4pm.
Official Website:
Added by Tek.Venture on April 15, 2008