Washington County Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Teen IDEA (Individual Decision Empowerment & Awareness) Challenge
Date & Location: Sunday, April 19, 12:00-6:00pm at Hagerstown Community Colleges ARCC (link to map)
Purpose: Raise awareness of teen pregnancy rates, and local resources available for teens, parents, and community. Bring communities and schools together for a fun, informative event.
Ages: Elementary school Adult. Most activities will be geared toward middle and high school students, but will include activities for younger children as well. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend and participate.
Motivation: The Grand Prize will go to the school with most participants (determined by percentage of school). We will also have individual raffle prizes, free food, free activities, and excellent resources.
Overview: The main draw of the Challenge will be the various competitions between all of the county high schools (public and private) and their feeder schools. Students gain points for their schools just by registering and showing up, but also by participating in the events listed below. Elementary and middle school students can choose which high school their points go toward. At the end of the day, the school with the highest percentage of participants wins the grand prize; so, we could have 100 students from Hancock, and 200 from North, but Hancock would win because they turned out a larger percentage of their student body. We will also have smaller prizes for the individual competitions between the schools in the various events (like the Olympics). There will be raffles throughout the day for individual prizes, such as a Wii, an HDTV, and iPods.
In addition to the events, we will have motivational speakers and entertainment throughout the day, as well as local businesses and information booths for groups like Prom Promise, M.A.D.D., and the Health Department. We would love to have local youth ministries and afterschool programs set up booths.
Events: The County Student Government Association is planning to hold a Guitar Hero competition as part of the Challenge. In addition, we would like to see each high school sponsor a competition; such as: Poetry slams; Student raps; Lawn bowling; Dodge ball; Kickball; Powder puff football; Sumo wrestling; Dunking booth for principals and administration; Obstacle course; Ping Pong; air hockey; and Wii/ Xbox games. Coalition sponsored events may include: Karaoke, a Parent-Child Newlywed game, Jeopardy game, Community murals on the theme Encourage a Dream, and a table for teen and parent surveys.
Get more information on our website: www.teensHAVEchoices.org
Organized by Washington Co. Teen Pregnancy Prevention Coalition
Ticket Info: - Student, Free
- Parent, Free
- Community member, Free
Official Website: http://teenshavechoices-upcoming.eventbrite.com