TEDxPhoenixville Live Event at The Colonial Theatre. Theme: Joy Ride. TEDxPhoenixville $20.
Sat, Sep 25, 10:00 am
We’re going on a joy ride…metaphorically speaking, but you’re invited! Phoenixville’s inaugural TEDx conference offers an opportunity for you to take our audience on an exploration of how creativity, happiness and kindness contribute to our individual and collective joy. TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share ideas worth spreading. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks videos and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection.We’re in the planning stages of this half-day conference (10AM – 3PM). We’re putting together a day of extraordinary speakers and performances. The speaker line-up will be announced at the end of the summer.
We’ll also planning some fun events on Friday night to get the joy ride going. Stay tuned!
Official Website: http://www.thecolonialtheatre.com
Added by Phoenixville Fun on September 9, 2010