Melbourne, Victoria

The annual TED (Technology, Entertainment Design) conference has been running since 1984 and brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives (in 18 minutes).

Topics include global political and environmental issues to discussions on creativity, art and design, fashion and more.

The TED website releases videos of these talks for free distribution.

This event is basically a public screening of videos from the annual TED conferences, with an opportunity for discussion between videos.

There will probably also be several 'real life' speakers to add local context.

Please RSVP on Facebook:

If you don't have Facebook you can RSVP here or send me an email at

Request your favorite TED talks here:

For more information on the videos and their content, visit the TED: Ideas worth spreading website at


This is not an official TED event. TEDx is an independently organized TED event, X = Independently organized event.

Official Website:

Added by Sjors on December 16, 2008