111 SW 5th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97204

TechStart Volunteer Social
Call-for-Volunteers & Volunteer Appreciation Social

Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Location: Netdesk
US Bank Tower - Suite 2100
111 SW 5th Ave
Portland, OR 97204
Cost: Free to attend
Light refreshments will be served

We Need You! How Can You Help? Please join TechStart for a networking social and as we honor our 2007 Volunteer of the Year. Next year, it could be you!

Sponsors: Microsoft Innovation Center & Netdesk

Contact John Ossowski for details or to RSVP.
john.ossowski@techstart.org or 503-802-5211

Official Website: http://www.techstart.org

Added by multimodal on February 12, 2008



The TechStart Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit with a mission to use technology education to strengthen the teamwork, critical thinking, creativity, and problem solving skills of K-12 students and, in so doing, awaken a passion for technology among all Oregon students. The goals of TechStart are to provide professional development and support to Oregon technology educators and to awaken an interest in technology among their students.

TechStart brings industry and education together in a partnership that builds the foundation for tomorrow's workforce. We envision Oregon as a state where students have unsurpassed opportunity to discover and learn about technology, a subject that plays a central role in technical careers, non-technical careers and life in general. This makes Oregon a better place to live, work and raise children. It also reflects a profound alignment, cooperation and working relationship between the technology industry and education sectors.

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