525 Market St., 26th Floor
San Francisco, California 94105

Business Strategies that Attract VC's:

Even with the next blockbuster technology, your business strategy is only as strong as your weakest link. How can you ensure that your business plan and model sends the message to VC's that your company has what it takes? This session will include a panel of seasoned VC's and entrepreneurs to discuss the key elements of a winning business strategy: the value beyond the technology.

Elan Amir, CEO, Bivio Networks
Christopher W. Cabrera, CEO, Xactly Corporation
Ken Elefant, Opus Capital
Flip Gianos, Interwest
Mitchell Kertzman, Hummer Winblad Venture Partners
Jamie Lerner, CEO, CITTIO Inc.
Cindy Padnos, Outlook Ventures

For information on the complete 2006 Catalyst Program, please visit our website at www.wtc-sf.org


Official Website: http://www.wtc-sf.org

Added by FullCalendar on July 23, 2006