Celebrate the opening of acclaimed designer Yves Béhar’s first curated show, TechnoCRAFT, at YBCA on Jul 9. The always fabulous YBCA crowd will dance to live music in the Forum, enjoy drinks by Campari, and explore the exhibition with the help of the do-it-yourself scavenger hunt PlayCRAFT: A Game of Your Design.
TechnoCRAFT explores how the boundary between the role of the designer and the consumer is disappearing. Selected works span the spectrum from intentionally collaborative (such as platforms where individuals can customize their products) to outsider hacks, where "finished" products are adapted or modified by the user. The exhibition includes designs by Puma, Droog, Olafur Eliasson, Cyclecide, and others.
YBCA is proud to be partnering with the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition to encourage public transportation to this event. SFBC will offer complimentary bike valet parking outside YBCA’s doors.
Live Smashing of Do-Hit Chairs by Droog
YBCA Members only: 7:15pm to 7:45pm
Witness the live creation of furniture by YBCA’s curators, special guest designers, and the public-at-large. Sledgehammers and hard hats provided.
TechnoCRAFT: Hackers, Modders, Fabbers, Tweakers and Design in the Age of Individuality Opening Night Party– 701 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94103 – Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Galleries
Public Info:
415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org
$12 Advance; $15 at the door; FREE for YBCA Members & a guest
Added by ybcapr on June 21, 2010