Technique Freak ClubSecond Wednesdays of the Month (Jan 09 - Jun 09) & First Saturday (except January)
This club will meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month (or 1st Saturday--except January is 3rd Saturday) at my home, beginning Wednesday, January 14th and the last club meeting will be Wednesday, June 10th.
You can join as a 'single' member or with friends to form a hostess club. Everyonehas two options each month to take the class and will have access to the member only area of step-by-step and/or video. 'Single' members will have orders direct shipped to them for speedly delivery and all hostess and/or buying specials that month are applicable to orders.
Long-distance club members will have access to download class directions and/or view videos.
Want the club to come to you? No problem! Get your friends together and Ill come to you.
All Club Members will:
Receive free Spring/Summer Catalog (January members also receive 08 Fall/Winter Catalog)
Be responsible to place a $25 order (not including tax and shipping) minimum order by end of the month. Single members will have orders shipped directly them them. Club monthly 'hostess' will submit all orders as one by end of month and deliver her members orders (or have them picked up from me.
Have access to "Club Member Only" page for downloads of technique sheets (photos, step-by-step and/or video) after the club meeting
NOTE: Your $25 order is required whether or not you can attend. Members joining later in the year can accessthe techniques for previous months.
Organized by Amy Celona, Stampin' Up! Demonstrator/ExecutiveView my website at www.ustamp4fun.com for stamping ideas and the home based business opportunity of Stampin' Up!
Ticket Info: - Attending Member (no group), Free
- Member (I have a group), Free
- Long Distance Member (no group), Free
- Long Distance Member (I have a group), Free
- Club that 'comes to your door', Free
Official Website: http://techniquefreakclub09-upcoming.eventbrite.com