For all developers, designers, ideas people interested in hacking Mobile apps for any platform!
Whether you’re already looking to build an app using HTML5 and take advantage of great cloud-based services, or looking to explore the area, there’s no better place than this weekend! Mentors will be on hand to help throughout the weekend, workshops will help you get to grips with new skills, tools & techniques.
Join in and make the most of this great opportunity!
HTML5 is the new standard for web based development. This Hackathon is to introduce the technology to our various communities and encourage mobile app development using the same. As you all know almost all services & functionality is now available on the cloud. Whether it’s a database, server & storage, messages, music & video, latest stock quotes, product listings etc. We’re bringing these two exciting worlds together in our latest Hackathon on HTML5 & the cloud!
Added by on June 22, 2012