While alliances can add valuable synergy to your organization, an unbalanced partnership can also produce undesired complexities. How can you best leverage your strategic alliances to ensure win-win outcomes?
John Sheridan, President and CEO of Ballard Power Systems will address the opportunities and challenges offered by strategic business alliances. Drawing on his diverse experiences as COO of Bell Canada, CEO of Ballard and his ongoing participation as a board member in numerous organizations, John will use examples of strategic alliance successes and failures to highlight helpful lessons for both small as well as larger organizations.
You will gain a perspective on –
When to seek a strategic alliance
-Ways to level the playing field in negotiations
K-eys to generating positive, win-win outcomes
-Essential formal – and informal – elements of successful alliances
-Steps you should take now
See http://www.bctia.org/files/BIOS/Bio_TechForum_-_John_Sheridan_-_Apr_14(3).pdf to read John's biography.
Official Website: http://www.gifttool.com/registrar/ShowEventDetails?ID=1339&EID=6497
Added by lucille_hsu on March 30, 2010