Start Time: 10am (check-in at 9:30)
Location: UMC (at the University of Colorado at Boulder), rooms 415-417.
Entry Fee: Free!
What is Pair Go? Pair Go has enjoyed immense popularity in Japan, but has yet to spread as well in other countries. This is unfortunate in that it is such a mind-bending variation. In normal Go you may be accustomed to thinking in terms of "this works as long as my opponent doesn't do this before I do that". In Pair Go, there will be 3 moves before you can "do that". Pairs are teams of two people, one female and one male, who alternate moves during the game. (Please refer to the rules link below.) Which might seem easy enough until you take into account the other major factor: no communication between partners is allowed, not even body language. You need to try to connect with your partner, to understand how they are playing, and work well together.
IMPORTANT: '07 pre-registration will open around the beginning of October, but I would love to hear from anyone who plans to attend. It's always very helpful to have an idea of how many Pairs there will be. I was notified about 2 new Pair line-ups for '07 one whole day after TwT '06, and it was much appreciated. It is never too early to notify me that you wish to participate, and what strengths the members of your Pair are. It helps me immensely in assembling tournament details (venue, section boundaries, prize categories) to have an idea of what to expect.
Multiple prizes will be awarded during a ceremony at the end of the tournament. Enjoy the full day if you can, either by playing all 4 rounds or by playing and then watching games. All non-disruptive spectators are welcome (as is catching solo games on the side when you need a break from spectating)!
Official Website:
Added by shadz.rm on September 17, 2007