It's Tax Time, so please get them done early! We have a great "1040" dinner coming up to help you with the April Blues!
We thought it appropriate to revisit what we call the "Superfind": really inexpensive wines that taste great, go very well with food, and have earned high marks or the respect of the wine press. Six great courses for only $40! Oh, and did we forget to mention the retail prices of all of our wines? $10! (That's where the "1040" comes in.)
We are please to present Tricia Phelan of Vintage Wine Distributor and a specially paired menu from Grovewood's award-winning kitchen. A complimentary recipe book of the dishes served (but adapted for the home kitchen) will be presented. All wines will be available to add to your collection at State Minimum Retail Pricing ($10!!), with case discounts (10%) available. Register early and often. Bring your friends! This event is sure to be extremely popular.
Complete menu details available on our website,
Added by Grovewood on April 7, 2010