East Bay Street
Charleston, South Carolina 29401

Our 2nd Annual Tax Day Tea Party!!

The Patriots of Charleston will once again host a Tax Day Tea Party. Come join us on the steps of the Custom House in downtown Charleston for our 2nd Annual Tax Day Tea Party on Apri 15th, 2010. We will have guest speakers and Rocky D will emcee. We look forward to uniting with fellow patriots from all across the state and will once again make sure our voices are heard loud and clear. This year we will be gathering in the back of the Customs House as we expect an even bigger turn out than last year and will have more room for participation. This will be a great event that you don’t want to miss so come join us at 5:30pm to celebrate and procliam that WE THE PEOPLE will fight for freedom and liberty in one strong and united patriotic voice for all to hear.

Contact CharlestonTeaParty.org

Added by rplipscomb on March 22, 2010

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